Worked a tournament this past summer where the OP situation presented resulted in a protest.
R1 on first, two outs.
BR hits ground ball up the middle, F6 dives for the ball and catches it in her glove while she is lying on the field near second.
F6 reaches out with the non-glove hand and touches second base well before R1 arrives.
BU calls runner SAFE!!!!!!!
Defensive coach comes out to calmly discuss call. BU tells him that F6 must tag second base with her foot to get the out. DC goes to the PU.
PU agrees with BU call and reason!!!!
I'm up in the scorer's booth on my off game watching all of this, I saw the DC hand the PU money and said....we've got a protest!
When the BU came upstairs and told us what the protest was about, the site UIC, myself, and another umpire in the room just about fell over.
We told both him and the PU that they were wrong and to give the coach his money back.
These two guys did not last very much longer in the tournament
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!