Originally Posted by mbcrowder
Is there even a glimmer of a point here? I don't always get along with JR, but he'd dead on here. This is simple. If you have a question about a specific rule set, post it. if you don't know whether a certain answer is about a certain rule set, and it's not clear, ask. Most of the time it's FED, and yes - if someone says Friday night you can probably assume it was FED. If it wasn't, it's their responsibility to say so, or they will get a wrong answer from this group.
I don't understand what you're even arguing about.
I think we're arguing about how often posters here fulfill that responsibility. Also, people don't come here just to ask questions, but also to learn from others' questions & answers. So even if the initial post and responses are all by people who know which rules they're discussing, they may be read, maybe as much as years later, by other people who don't.
This is not the only forum, nor the only subject, where I think participants should be reminded of that last fact. Too many online forums start out aspiring to universality, but tend to become clubby without anyone's intending them to be so, just because people start assuming knowledge on the part of the participants which tends to exclude strangers.