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Old Tue Oct 02, 2007, 10:11pm
MJT MJT is offline
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Originally Posted by jimpiano
With time winding down in the 4th quarter the offense makes a first down with one second on the clock, trailing by 2 points and in field goal range. The offense has no time outs left and hurries the field goal team onto the field as the chains move.

Before the Referee can signal the ball is in play the center snaps the ball and the kicker boots the ball and the field goa is no-good.

Is there a penalty on the play, or is the game over?

What if the kick was good, does it change anything?

One other question.

On the last second time out by Urban Meyer in the Auburn game.
If the official missed the timing and the snap occured before his whistle what would happen?
For your first question, DOG foul rule 4-1-4 in NCAA and DOG foul rule 3-6-2-e in NF.

2nd question. The official wouldn't have missed the timing of the snap, but Urban Meyer would have missed when he thought the snap was going to be and not said "TO" early enough, and the play goes on. If the wing had not yet blown his whistle and the snap occurred, there should be no whistle and the coach should have asked a second earlier.
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