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Old Tue Oct 02, 2007, 02:34pm
tibear tibear is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Canada
Posts: 362
Check the rulebook. Once that home team hands over the lineup card the umpires are now in charge of the game. If someone says something to me before the lineups are handed over, I would simply tell the coach to save it for the plate meeting. If they insisted on continuing, I would ask the coach if they wanted to be around for the entire game or just the start of the plate meeting. If they continue, as soon as I get the lineup they would be tossed.

After the game, I'm not sure when "official" authority ends but I would write anything up that happened on or off the field right up to the time I drove away from the parking lot.

That is, if there is a fight between players in the parking lot after the game, I'm going to report it to the league office. If a coach follows me to the parking lot, cussing and swearing the whole time, I'm filing a report.
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