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Old Tue Oct 02, 2007, 08:13am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
In my state's case ratings only play 1/7 of the overall picture and are not the end all be all of how you are evaluated.
That's a fallacy, Jeff. Nearly all officials who are working the playoffs will be certified, have attended a camp, got a high score on the test, work the minimum nunber of games, ... IOW, almost all of them will have 30 points out of a possible 30 (or whatever the numbers are) on all non-rating criteria.

The only differentials are the top-15 lists and the coach and official ratings. And, even here, the power points are based on percentile -- everyone above 90 gets 5 points (again, or whatever the specifics are). So, there's a huge pool of officials with 40 points, a huge pool with 39 points, etc.

I think it's just desinged to give some apparent mathmatical rigor to what is (and must be) a subjective system. And, I'm not objecting to the subjectiveness.
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