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Old Mon Oct 01, 2007, 10:09pm
tcblue13 tcblue13 is offline
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Location: Northeastern NC
Posts: 487
Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
So two weeks ago, I'm behind the plate. Batter swings and knocks a good shot past F9. He pushes to start his run, and his kneecap goes 90 degrees left. Ouch.

Last week, I'm BU, and the batter hits a sharp ground ball to the shortstop. Shortstop fields it cleanly, then throws to F3. The throw was a little off, and it pegs the BR in the back of his head. He ended up being carted off on a stretcher with a nasty concussion.

And then tonight, I'm PU, and the batter hits a deep fly ball towards the fence. Yep, you see it coming. F8 kissed the fence. Hard.

Is it bad style to start carrying a rabbit's foot in your ball bag? Sheesh, it's only Monday!
If you think a rabbit's foot is lucky, just remember the rabbit.
NFHS, PONY, Babe Ruth, LL, NSA

Softball in the Bible
"In the big-inning"

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