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Old Mon Oct 01, 2007, 11:40am
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by MJT
So, Bob are you going to just wind the clock when you know they didn't have any TO's left but you granted them one and leave it at that? Why doesn't the NF have a rule against calling a TO when you don't have one like in BB. It seems like it would be a good rule change because in the heat of the battle, an officials error by granting a TO they don't have should not give them a timing advantage.
At one time ISTR either NCAA or NFL (maybe both) having such a rule, but I actually prefer leaving it on the officials to not grant the request. If they put one over on the officials intentionally or accidentally and get granted a stoppage, I think all you should do is correct that error ASAP without a penalty. Players, substitutes, and partisans of various kinds may distract officials during a game with claims of various sorts, and you don't penalize those, do you? The only exception I know of is feigning injury.

Would you want to penalize a request for a measurement based on your guess that the captain requesting it didn't really believe it was necessary?

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