Originally Posted by drh898
Which bring up another question, I always try to kick the bat out of the way. Should I or not? And does it make a difference whether it is in the Wed. rec league or FP club play?
My $.02 is that if you're PU and you see the bat in a hazardous area, while I understand the compulsion we all have to move something that's in a bad spot, we should leave it. If you pick it up and throw it somewhere else, you're now responsible for having put it there. If someone gets hurt as a result of the bat being there, it's your butt in the defendant's chair, having to explain to the jury why you shouldn't have to pay Joey's medical bills and lost wages after he broke his leg (despite having signed that waiver before the season started).
We live in a society that loves to sue over anything, including cases that fall into the "sh!t happens" bin.