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Old Mon Oct 01, 2007, 03:31am
fitump56 fitump56 is offline
In Time Out
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Originally Posted by UMP25
In the MLBUM, there is an example of when an umpire can put a runner improperly tagged out back onto a base. The example cited is R1 on first when the batter walks on ball four but R1 slides into second and is called out by the umpire who apparently didn't realize it was ball four. If R1 begins to leave the field and the defense tags him again because he's walking away from the base, the umpire can call "time" and put him on second because he should have gotten that base in the first place.
Tuff titties. MLB players who haven't learn to never leave the bag ESPECIALLY on a 3 ball count, until the end of the play has been completely decided, deserve what they get. OUT! Hell if I am going to protect them.
"Never try to teach a pig to eat reasonably. It wastes your time and the pig will argue that he is fat because of genetics. While drinking a 2.675 six packs a day."
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