Originally Posted by golfdesigner
NFHS Rules
We had this question come up the other night. Between downs, there are 11 players in huddle while QB (A11) is over by sideline getting play from coach. QB heads toward the huddle, and A23 heads for the sidelines, we don't ever get 12 in the huddle.
The "12 in the huddle" myth has no bearing on illegal substitution. To know if there is a "technical illegal substitution", we have to know how the 12th player got on the field & how long did the substitute remain on the field until he left??
BUT it probably makes sense to ==>>
Originally Posted by Ed Hickland
This is one of those situations that technically is illegal but I would "never" throw a flag. I would let this go once and have a word with the coach. Only if the team persists would "never" end.