Thread: Ncaa Poe
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Old Sat Sep 29, 2007, 03:20pm
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Originally Posted by Old School
This is a classic waffle! Don't call a foul if the defenders fakes a foul/flops! That's a damn technical! You see the waffle here. Either it is or it isn't! There is no in between or at least as far as officials are concerned, there shouldn't be. If you want consistency, it's a foul, one way or the other, period. There is no situation in which you are not putting air in the whistle here. If there is, then we are no better off than we where before.[/B]
Did you even read the effin POE? Lack of severity simply means the defender is not put at a disadvantage by the offensive initiated contact. No one falls down, no one is knocked into the concession stand, and no one comes out with bruised ribs.
Dan nor the POE mention a defender faking or flopping, where the he!! did you get that from what was said?
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