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Old Fri Sep 28, 2007, 05:15pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
Looks like an error to me. When they added 8-4a, they forgot to delete 8-6.
According to what I posted above, which says that the players will be " using the present second, third and fourth lane space," I have to agree that leaving 8-6 in the book was an oversight.
According to 8-4 six players are still allowed along the lane, according to 8-4b there is still a third space on each side, and the men can still move to fill vacant spots, while the women still cannot.

The entire text of the new rule is:

Art. 4.
A maximum of six players (four opponents of the free-thrower and
two teammates of the free-thrower) shall be permitted on the lane. All other
players shall be behind the free-throw line extended and behind the threepoint
field-goal line.
a. The two lane spaces closest to the end line shall remain open.
b. The first space on each side of the lane that is above and adjacent
to the block is designated for an opponent of the free-thrower.
The second lane space on each side of the lane is designated for a
teammate of the free-thrower. The third available space on each side
of the lane is designated for an opponent of the free-thrower.
(Women) Teammates of the free-thrower shall not occupy lane spaces
designated for opponents of the free-thrower; opponents of the freethrower
shall not occupy lane spaces designated for teammates of the
(Men) Players shall be permitted to move along and across the lane
to occupy a vacant space within the limitations listed in this rule.

Last edited by Nevadaref; Fri Sep 28, 2007 at 05:22pm.
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