Fri Sep 28, 2007, 02:51pm
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
Intentional or not, interference may be the ruling. If a defensive player had the opportunity to make a play, the runner is out, regardless of whether or not they're on the bag. What the rules supplement didn't state about the potential dead ball is why the ball would be dead: ball hit runner, fielder behind runner had a chance, interference, dead ball, runner out.
In question #1 of this sitch, it's important to keep in mind that while they are "forced" to advance, the book does not really say WHEN they're forced to advance, ground ball or not. So all of the "no" answers that were posted are correct.
Ugh ... you seem to know what you're talking about 90% of the time ... just enough for some rookie to come on here, read what you said, believe you, and then rule incorrectly. This rule is VERY easily worded and readable. Intent is ABSOLUTELY required for you to rule interference in this case.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”
West Houston Mike