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Old Fri Sep 28, 2007, 11:56am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by zebraman
Well we'll have to agree to disagree on this one Rut. Maybe my state and my college assignors have a different viewpoint on the coaching box than yours do. All I do in my HS and college games is 3-person. The trail had to see the coach on the floor. She was right in front of him as he was coming up the floor. The lead might not have seen the coach if they were turned and watching off-ball, but I would think that the C would have noticed even if they were staying in their area and being aware of where the ball was.
I have never had a college assignor that I work for or during a camp ever make an issue out of where a coach stands during live ball action like this video and others here are trying to suggest. And certainly not to give a T if this is the first observation of this action which none of us can tell.

Originally Posted by zebraman
I'm going to assume that the trail didn't think he had time to address the situation during that play and addressed the coach a short time later. I would really like to think that happened. If nobody addressed it then, I'd hate to see how far the coach got out on the floor later in the game.
I seriously do not see anything nefarious about a coach stepping out onto a court a little because they are usually caught up in the emotion of the game. I do not think this coach was trying to get away with anything. She was coaching and she is emotional and I bet she did not even realize where she was. I do not think the coaching box is a slippery slop for other actions just because your foot is across the line.

Originally Posted by zebraman
In our state, coach management is a pretty big emphasis even at the HS level. Allowing a coach to be that far out on the floor without being noticed would definitely be a reason for a crew to not advance to the semi-final round at the state tournament.
My state in 2005-2006 went around threatening all officials with no playoffs if they did not get every official to enforce the coaching box to the letter. The following year they completely backed off and even admitted that they might have went overboard in expecting officials to only give Ts for that kind of action. My God, this tape was only 25 seconds long. We have no idea what was addressed or what the officials saw. I stand by the fact that it is very likely the officials did not see this coach at all. Officials do not have eyes in the back of their head.

In football there is a similar rule that only allows 3 coaches in the coaching box at any one time and I have yet to hear anyone of influence suggest officials should be turning around to watch coaches to verify how many coaches should be in the box. Most of the time that is noticed in football is when there is a dead ball or a play happens near the sideline.

Originally Posted by zebraman
And of course there is the recent 2007-08 POI for men's NCAA regarding the coaching box.
Well until the NCAA Meetings take place (which will start in a week or so), it is going to be very difficult to know what they want. The NCAA does a much better job in explaining their POEs. And I have been to those meetings only to have the Supervisor of Officials to clearly state how they want things like this to be handled. I am sure there will be some commentary as there always is about what they want officials to do and not to do. And I would not bet that there is a different position from the Women's side to the Men's side.

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