Originally posted by pob14
If you guys seriously think that 8-8 doesn't apply to batter-or-bratter-runners then . . .
Here's the puzzle:
Why does ASA take such care to define BR and runner so that they are never the same thing, have two different rules 8-2 and 8-8 that specifically state BR and Runner are out, then proceed to mix up this supposed purity of terms in their own rules (I'll get to that, below), and obviously leave
some rules out of 8-2?
Why not just state that a BR
is a runner, like NFHS does?
Your examples, pob14, aren't a problem, though, because they
ARE covered by "legally put out" because they are outs caused by the defense making a play, whereas physically assisting is not a "legal put out" but rather an infraction by the offense that results in an out. It is not a "put out" legal or otherwise.
I am reasonably certain ASA did not intend to allow a coach to physically assist a BR, but their rules sure do (taken literally).
However, we can't take the definitions here too literally since ASA 8-8G describes a BR as a runner!
Bottom line: any rule in 8-8 that can logically be applied to a BR
should be applied to a BR. (For example, a BR cannot leave early, so that rule logically does not apply.)
Or, putting it another way, is there ANY rule in 8-8 that
CAN be applied to a BR that should not be?
I don't think so. ASA needs to fix their definitions.