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Old Thu Sep 27, 2007, 08:11am
Warrenkicker Warrenkicker is offline
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Location: Wichita, KS
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Originally Posted by GFD406
I move them every week, I dont move them 5 yards because most fields do not have that much room. Seem like every school puts them right. I normally move them to the edge of the team box.
Since the two yard belt around the field is now supposed to be clear of anybody except for the three coaches in the coach's box it is convenient to use the yard markers to indicate the edge of this belt if there isn't a line. I usually move the goal line marker further away as I will get a long way off the field sometimes there. I don't want to be tripping over something there and also don't want to give up the line if the play comes toward the pylon. I will end up 5 yards off the field sometimes to avoid being rolled into by a tackler. The year before I joined my first varsity crew that crew had a wing rolled into at the goal line and he broke his leg.
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