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Old Thu Sep 27, 2007, 08:05am
Warrenkicker Warrenkicker is offline
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Originally Posted by BuckeyeRef

I don't think the rule cited in the post above says that numbers are required on or around the field. If says signs if placed around the field must be placed five yards from the field of play. The word if is an optional word indicating that the signs are optional. If the signs were mandatory, the rule would state that they shall be placed at least five yards from the field of play.
Nowhere does it say IF there are numbers as I read it.

1-2-2 Yard-line markers, constructed of soft, pliable materials, if placed on the ground, should be no closer than 5 yards to the sideline.

This says to me that there are to be yard-line markers no closer than 5 yards from the sideline and that if they are on the ground they shall be made of soft, pliable materials. This leaves the option for putting signs on a fence. If yard-line markers were optional the rule would say, "Yard-line markers may be used if placed...." just like the rule about an auxiliary line-to-gain marker under 1-3-5c.

1-3-5c Unofficial auxiliary line-to-gain and down indicators may be used on the sideline opposite the official line-to-gain and down indicators, and shall be operated approximately 2 yards outside of the sideline except in stadiums where the total playing enclosure does not permit.

I agree that the use of "should" in 1-2-2 is unusual but your argument about that is should say "shall" if it wasn't optional isn't a good one as the rule for the auxiliary line-to-gain marker uses "shall".

But then again I am not going to make this a huge issue. The numbers have always been there when I needed them.
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