Originally Posted by Rich Ives
One thing that is mentioned over and over when discussing participant/umpire relations is that the offended manager/player should not "cross the line" in a discussion with the umpire. To do so invites an ejection, even if the call was kicked or a rule misinterpreted. In other words, argue properly or take a hike.
Now it seems to me that the same should hold true for the umpire. Keep it "proper" or risk the consequences. If the AP article is correct, Winters crossed a line.
I saw the video three times. Winters said/did something and BOTH Mecheam and Bradley immediately went toward Winters. Then Mecheam turned to head off Bradley. Something was said that pissed off both of them. Mecheam kept his cool enough to turn his attention to Bradley. Bradley "lost it".
I wish someone had interviewed whoever was F3 and added his comments to the articles and commentaries. That could shed more light on what happened. Perhaps MLB did so and it contributed to their action against Winters.
Bradley has a history. As far as I know, Mecheam does not have a history.
But he does have a vested interest in the outcome.
Well, like I said in the other thread, this will just give Winters a break before the playoffs.