My first year of
VB I was doing a JV/Varsity match. Big crowd, lots of people. I am up in the JV game. Parents are the LJ's, everything is fine. Then one of the LJ's call a ball down, which I totally agreed with. Some ying yang in the crowd goes off. No big deal.
Well this guy doesn't shut up, and my LJ i sstarting to get upset. So i tunred around and said: "Buddy you got two choices, either shut up and sit, or you will be ejected. Your choice." He of course, chose option 3, and I ran his rear end.
Three points later, we have a TO, the LJ comes over, and says: "Thanks for throwing that guy out. He's a parent of one of the kids playing on the team, and all he does is yell at his kid, the coaches, and even other team parents. "
So I threw a player's dad out at a home match for his kid, for yelling at another player's parent.