Thread: Game Management
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Old Mon Sep 24, 2007, 09:17am
gordon30307 gordon30307 is offline
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Originally Posted by fitump56
All my games are at levels that do not require shaving. It's optional. You want to tell a 25 yo ex Minor leauger throwing at the 90s to shave, be my guest.

On to game management, it's simple, get out your LL scratch pad.

1) Complaint
2) Coach not allowed on the field. If he is,
3) "Coach, we can have this discussion outside the lines"
4) Coach no go -second warning, ejection follows.

Too fast? Pencil break? Print this response.

5) Outside the line. You hear the Coach through, hands behind your back at a distance longer than either of your arms.
6) If he is ranting, you say "Coach, come to your point."
7) If he refuses, warn/eject
8) Once he stops, you explain your call.
9) Let him make comment.
10) "Thanks, Coach, but this is the way I saw it or
10(a) "this is the rule that and this is why the play stands."

11) If Coach begins to rant rather than discuss,

12) Two hands up in a "Stop" mode
13) "We're through here, Coach. Turn and take your position"
14)Eject on any continuation.

By goind through these simple(ton) Rules of Engagement, everyone can see you kept your distance, you allowed Coach his say, you warned, you exited and you hit the point of no return.

Wow, to many steps for me to remember. If only it was that simple I'd take the time to memorize them. No two situations are the same. All require people skills. Sometimes (doesn't happen often) the Coaches have a point. When they do I"ll cut them some slack up to a point. Other times I'm on their a** from the get go. First pitch of the game Coach yapping about the strike zone. I'll nip that in the bud. Middle of the game maybe I will maybe I won't it just depends on how things are going.

My point too many variables to have rigid rules.