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Old Sun Sep 23, 2007, 12:48pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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My first question is how does the BJ have any perspective on whether someone actually false started? I am sorry but that is in dispute when the BJ does not have an angle and is looking around many players to see what the offensive players are doing.

Also one of the dangers that people get themselves into is taking a phrase or a statement so literally that they do not leave themselves any room. All that language is not about calling anything and everything across the field. False starts are the responsibilities of certain officials and the BJ is not one of them. I cannot think of any game where a deep official or BJ ever made a false start call. The stuff you referenced is about making sure that the penalty enforcement is correct and any play you have coverage on is also correct. As and example if you had coverage on a block in the back and another official called a block in the back and you had a better angle and talk to that official, you might be able to decide there was no penalty. That does not mean that if you are the BJ and you think the QB was roughed, that you have the right to throw your flag from 50 yards away. And in my opinion it is not your place to call that from the BJ position even if you think you are completely right. You cannot have all the information as to what everyone is doing even if you think you know.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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