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Old Sun Sep 23, 2007, 12:09pm
MJT MJT is offline
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Location: Alton, Iowa
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This depends on your crew and your supervisor if you have one. If you are a HS crew and really don't have a supervisor to answer to, your crew needs to decide if and how you want to handle such situations. I think it depends alot on the egos of your crew, your respect for one another, and the relationship your crew has together. In our crew we want to get it right and we would not have anyone get pissed if the BJ made the call. You do need to make sure however that you are looking in your area and not others.

Now in college you may have some supervisors that say not to fish in someone elses pond. If that is the case, you'd better stay in your pond and the other official will be dinged in his evaluation. If not, not only will the other official be downgraded, but you will also.
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