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Old Tue Sep 18, 2007, 11:29am
waltjp waltjp is offline
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No, Robert. Rule 5-1-4 is correctly worded. If K is the first to touch the kick beyond the neutral zone R will have the option of taking the ball at the spot of the first touch.

If it's R that first touches the ball beyond the neutral zone and the ball is recovered by K behind the neutral zone K will keep the ball and have a new series of downs.

If the ball is recovered by K behind the neutral zone and it has not been touched by K or R beyond the neutral zone the ball will belong to K and the down will count. If it was 4th down they will turn the ball over on downs. If it was 3rd down they will put the ball in play for 4th down.

Whenever the ball is first touched by R beyond the neutral zone it's going to be a first down for somebody.
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