Thread: Delay Technical
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Old Tue Sep 18, 2007, 07:39am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by NewNCref
Had an interesting question with a couple of different opinions at the association meeting tonight. Here's the sit:

A1 has the ball OOB for a throw-in. B1, reaches across the line, and fouls A1. Team B has already received their team delay warning.

So the question is, what do you have here? Team B has already received their warning, so technically, as soon as B reaches over the line, it should be a technical foul. I argue that at this point, the ball is dead, and the contact, unless flagrant, should be ignored. Others seemed to disagree. Any thoughts?
You're overthinking it. If the "act" of reaching over the line also includes contact with the ball or the inbounder, call the more severe penalty. Only if the the act of reaching over does not include contat do you enforce the "breaking the plane" provisions. Do not pick nits about the timing and that the ball became dead instantaneously when the plane was broken.
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