I don't think there is anything you can or should do to control such a crowd, assuming they're not affecting the game by throwing stuff on the floor, etc. However, I would not tolerate verbal abuse that crosses into threats, racial remarks, and so forth.
Originally posted by doghead:
Hawks Coach, Could you help me out? I just finished my first year of officiating. I did mostly catholic school girls' games (grades 5-8). One school that I worked at a few times had this large group of youngsters, on a stage, at one end of the court. They were loud and obnoxious little buggers who often taunted the shooter (of the opponent team of course) during free throws. During a time-out I asked my partner if we should do something about these kids. Clearly, there was room for them to sit in the bleachers. She told me that it was none of our business. She being the veteran and I the rookie, I did not question her. However, isn't part of our job to control ANYTHING that effects the play within the black lines? I will certainly be assigned to this school again next year. I'm interested in your thoughts. Thanks!