Very informal poll
Just curious as to how many of you wear your uniform as a Halloween costume? Years ago, I was wearing mine while taking my son around trick or treating when some guy drove by and yelled, "You suck ref". If I could have caught up with him, I would have teed him.
Anyway, now that I just stay home and give out candy, I wear mine. Quite a few of the kids and parents who come by recognize me as someone who has worked their games, since I have worked our local kids rec league for about 15 years. Usually the parent will say something like, "Hey - you reffed my kid's games." I sometimes reply, "Yeah - you look familiar too. Didn't I throw you out?" Most of the time that gets a laugh, but last year one woman thought I was serious and admonished me for even thinking that she could do something that would warrant an ejection. I had to tell her three times that I was only kidding. I think she was just trying to make me feel guilty so I'd give her kid extra candy.
Any pros or cons on wearing this? Any funny stories?
Yom HaShoah