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Old Sat Sep 15, 2007, 01:07am
dvasques dvasques is offline
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Posts: 109
I've been through this situation twice last weekend. I really hate it and think is lack of sportsmanship, besides being just plain stupid to risc your players health on that kind of crap. But calling every tick tack penalties seems like a bad idea, since the coach will not stop playing for the score and it's going to lengthen the game wildly.
I've thought about suddently being blind to whatever unnecessary roughness the losing team might be using but it just didn't feel right.
So I decided to keep doing my job but, inside, I'm hoping for someone important ofor the winning team to be lost for the season. And I know that's a terrible thing to wish for but I just can't help it.
Remembering that I officiate adults games. No kids...
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