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Old Thu Sep 13, 2007, 12:56pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Originally Posted by PeteBooth
Garth here is my thinking on the play.

First in this particular play, IMO we need to take a look at the ENTIRE play and not "piece meal the rules"

Example: We all know that a runner is required to touch all bases in order. However, suppose R1 is obstructed while trying to touch second base on route to third base. In other words the reason he missed touching the base was due to the OBS.

Playing action ends and the defense wants to appeal that R1 missed second base.

Our ruling - appeal denied because in our judgement the reason R1 didn't touch the base was because F4 / F6 prevented him from doing so.

In the aforementioned we do not "piece meal" the rules but look at the entire play.

Therefore, in this OP IMO we need to do the same thing.


If OBS was called in the first place, then most likely the Coach would not have assited the runner.

Therefore, after playing action ends and the umpires huddle. If in fact they decide that OBS should have been called, then the coaches interference should be ignored because R1 is awarded 2nd base hence no advantage gained as a result of the coaches assist.

Off topic a bit but now I think we can all see the benefit of having a replay to look at.

Pete Booth
Apples and oranges.
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