It is OBS if two things happen - 1) fielder in the way without the ball, and 2) runner alters her path because of (1). (The statement that you don't have OBS if a fielder gives part of the bag is nonsense, and patently false. The runner chooses her basepath, and the fielder must be out of it.
We have (1). I'm not convinced we have (2) on this play. Having to alter her path to the base is one thing. Her altering her path intentionally AWAY from the base (which is what this sounds like) doesn't qualify. This one is EXTREMELY HTBT. If I was certain, after digesting all of the cues available, that the runner ran into the fielder ON PURPOSE, we have INT, not OBS.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”
West Houston Mike