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Old Thu Apr 25, 2002, 10:30am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Re: fielder's balk

Originally posted by Matt S.
I will only call the "fielder's balk" if it gives the 1st baseman an advantage. If he clearly has both feet well foul, and the pitcher attempts a pick off to first, I'll call the balk. Same goes for a pop foul that the 1st baseman has a play on-but again, only with a distinct advantage gained.
On the pick-off, it's never a balk, under any code.

FED: If it's a PITCH with a fieder in foul territory, illegal pitch / balk. If it's a PLAY, legal.

NCAA: Play (including batted ball after a pitch) is nullified if defense benefits. Pitch that's unbatted stands.

OBR: Play or pitch is nullified.
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