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Old Wed Sep 12, 2007, 02:05am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by CoachP

9) You are taking the ball out of bounds underneath our basket. You throw the ball towards your teammate and it hits her hand and it rolls into the backcourt. Your teammate goes into the backcourt and gets it. NO
I'm glad that you strive to teach your team the rules of the game along with the physical skills to play it. I would recommend that you get Tony to give you his backcourt quiz so that you can borrow some plays from that as well. Also, you should teach your kids the four-points system that we use as a basic checklist for backcourt violations.

Lastly, all of the answers that you provided above are correct. However, and it is unfortunate, but I frequently see #9 called a violation.
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