Mon Sep 10, 2007, 06:18am
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Join Date: Jan 2002
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Originally Posted by Steve M
"Yesterday, I worked with a very nice, middle aged man who was supposed to be experienced. He worked ASA and Professional softball and some Babe Ruth. I offered to do the first plate (2 eighteen year old travel teams) and we discussed the coverage and working the "V". I then had to talk him into removing his ball bag! He explained that he would have no where to put balls given to him by the coaches to which I told him, "Just have them send the balls to the catcher, I'll take them from there"
I can guarantee that individual has not worked any higher level games within ASA, let alone the pro leagues. But, even if you weren't sharp enough yesterday to pick up on that, you probably did pick up on what I suspect was not great timing or positioning.
I work some higher levels within ASA and some of the highest levels within men's fast pitch. Your description tells me that he has not.
Let me add this - Smitty is Smitty is Smitty, regarless of what the game is.
I didn't think that any of these things were ASA traits. I have seen many good ASA and NCAA softball umpires and none of them do these things. I always am leery of those who have to brag before a game, if you get my drift!
When in doubt, bang 'em out!