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Old Sun Sep 09, 2007, 08:58pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by just another ref
My new question:

Team A is awarded a throw-in near the division line. A1's throw-in is deflected by B1; B2 jumps from Team B's frontcourt, catches the ball in the air and lands in the backcourt. Is this a violation, or is B2 still considered a defender in this play?
I would say that B2 is a defensive player on this play and thus it is not a violation. But what the heck do I know!?!?

Scrapper, Thanks for the clarification. I won't get my new books until the first week of October.
For now I will have to wonder if the NFHS changed the wording of the actual rule or simply writing case plays that support the stance that Tony advocated. That being that the during a throw-in, during a jump ball, and defensive player are THE ONLY THREE times that an exception is granted. If that is the case, then it seems to me that they should have just kept the old wording. It was clearer.

I also agree with Jurassic's point that the members of this discussion forum have once again caused the NFHS to issue a clarification. If we can keep having that kind of positive impact then we are not wasting our time.

PS Congrats to BktBallRef for championing the position that the NFHS elected to support.
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