Originally posted by dhamby6187
...The batter hit a ball to right center and the outfielder laid out and made what looked like an awesome catch. The umpire in the field called the batter out. My team, along with the batter started to walk off the field. The other team started to yell that the homeplate umpire said fair ball.
Realize this is coming from a player, so nomenclature may not be clear. I know that unless the BU went out, it was not his call, but I suspect we can't expect a player describing the situation to note whether the BU "went out" (turned his back to the infield) or not.
While Mike's suspicion of the mechanics (or lack thereof) of the BU may be correct, giving the benefit of the doubt to the BU, and assuming he went out, it was his call.
Further, a "call" (signal?) of FAIR does not contradict a call of CATCH-OUT, since both calls could be true. (One is the location of the ball when touched; the other is did the fielder maintain control.)
Now, a call of FOUL would be a contradiction, since that would indicate NO CATCH.
Sounds to me like either:
a) the PU called SAFE (NO CATCH), or
b) the offense is looking to win by confusion.
Assuming a), if the BU went out, (and he probably should have with the description of the diving catch, etc.) tough nookies - it was his call.