Originally Posted by Nevadaref
So which carries more weight, Howard or the current NFHS case book?
Does Howard realize that his above stated opinion is contrary to what is written in 4.15.4 Sit A?
4.15.4 SITUATION A: As dribbler A1 attempts to change directions to avoid guard B1, he/she allows the ball to come to rest in one hand in bringing the ball from the right to the left side of the body. A1 pushes the ball to the floor in an attempt to continue the dribble. RULING: When A1 palmed/carried the ball, the dribble ended and when he/she pushed the ball to the floor a violation occurred. (9-5)
Perhaps you should send this case play to him and see what his response is.
Again I'm sure that he is a nice man who is very knowledgeable about the NFHS rules, but it is hard to defend a position that is contrary to what appears in the book in black and white. 
You know, I've been mulling this over, and this really isn't the same as the play we were discussing a page or two ago. In this case play, the player is dribbling, and then ends the dribble more by palming or carrying than by stopping and holding the ball. What we were discussing previously was someone who was holding a ball after using her dribble. To me, applying this case play to the sitch we were arguing before is apples to oranges.