Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
And what's the call if dribbler A1 after palming the ball then pushes the ball to the floor AT another player?
A poorly worded case play that doesn't cover different possibilities doesn't prove a damn thing imo.
Thirteen freaking pages of this nonsense...... 
Obviously this case play doesn't cover that situation. Both of us agree on that, and wouldn't attempt to apply it to the scenario which you have posed.
It says right there in the case play, "
A1 pushes the ball to the floor in an attempt to continue the dribble." So what you have asked isn't germane.
The case play is not "poorly worded" as you say, rather it is narrowly written to cover a particular situation, and is very instructive with regard to the given circumstances. The fact is that NFHS has very clearly told us the point at which a violation occurs in this situation. That is a critical fact to know as it could have bearing on other actions and decisions that an official may have to make on a court.