Disparaging or insulting remarks not allowed. Same with shaking the dugout fence, banging things, etc. Probably catcher yelling at batter, too. Certainly digs that get personal. But "chatter" is something else. How about "3 and 2 pitch, whatcha gonna do pitch" or "oh, no, that's too low (oh, my, that's too high), Rachel didn't like it" and all those other rhyming, clapping cheers that so many girls teams engage in, usually while doing some kind of coordinated dance? Much of what Mark described (Erin, make her hit it to me) seems harmless, if a bit distracting to younger players.
The blackballing is ridiculous, though.
I'm undoubtedly in the minority, but to me jibes like "swings like a rusty gate" are just part of the silly chatter of kids. Unless I sense some real hostility, those kind of things don't bother me. Maybe it's because when I played, both teams heard a torrent of abuse throughout the game, and we learned to ignore it. I guess times change.
More whiskey—and fresh horses for my men!
Roll Tide!