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Old Tue Apr 23, 2002, 10:08pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Originally posted by whiskers_ump

We [I am in East Texas], have been experiencing things somewhat
similar to what you have posted. Since actually there is no rule
regarding this action, we were told to leave it alone...The yelling
I disregard, but the banging on dugout tops with the softballs,
I have and will always stop. It sounded to me that you handled the
situation professionally and without making any scenes. Seems a shame
you were black balled over that situtation. I like you, would like
to know if other than unsportsmanship, there is a rule that could be
applied here. Tough break..Luck the rest of the way.


Speaking ASA.

I would make my USC rulings based on 10.9.A:

Players, coaches, managers ro other team members will not make disparaging or insulting remarks to or about opposing players, officials or spectators or commit other acts that could be considered unsportsmanlike conduct (My emphasis).

I have had this problem before with catchers screaming at batters. I simply informed the coach that if it continued, the player was gone. That has been as far as I have ever had to take it. The coaches didn't like it, but that was not my concern.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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