Where did you get the idea that you can't call offside if the AR doesn't signal it? You can wave it off or call it without him or her! Why aren't the ARs in place? Have they been trained correctly? Have you reminded them in pre-games to stay with that second to last defender? Are they used to 2 man mechanics rather than 3 and getting lax on running the touch? If they are running as fast as they can and can't keep up with the boys, show them how to cheat up the line a few yards so they can still keep a good eye on the next to last defender but have a little extra room. (A necessary evil for some guys.) Also remind them how to "side-hop" when watching to keep a bounce in their step to take off on a sprint. Remind them to keep the the flag in their hand next to the field when they are running so they are facing the near end line rather than the far. If you are 200% sure the player is off, sound the whistle. The CR is in charge. But make sure you're 200% sure because if you're wrong and you call it you're going to look bad, lose the confidence of your ARs, coaches, players, and fans..... and any evaluators that might be observing you.
That's my whistle -- and I'm sticking to it!