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Old Wed Sep 05, 2007, 01:14pm
Bob M. Bob M. is offline
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Originally Posted by Jim D
Bob, I think the "inconsistency" is built into the rules. Linemen have restrictions that backs do not have. Since there are different rules on what A players may do based on their position, there will be different treatment. I don't think it's incosistancy so much as judgement. If a lineman lifts up, by rule it's a false start. If a back lifts up, it's a judgement call as to whether it's a false start or not.
REPLY: I'll definitely agree that interior linemen locked into a 3/4-point stance have more restrictions on them in that they can't lift out of that stance no matter how slowly or smoothly they do it, whereas an end or a back can do so. But when a player jumps because he obviously missed the snap count and that jump simulates the start of a play, he has committed a false start regardless of position. There is no ambiguity in the rules on least not as I read them. Is there judgment involved? Of course there is, but not a whole lot for a player that flinches or jumps simply because he missed the count.
Bob M.
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