In 2 man balls generally belong to the Plate Umpire.........
In the instance where there may be a trouble fly ball (sounds like it in this case) and the Base Umpire goes out to make the call........the Plate umpire then has any and all runners on the bases.........
As soon as the PU sees the BU go out on the fly ball.........he knows that the catch/no-catch is no longer his........
This is a definite boo-boo on the two umpires working together as a team........
This could have been avoided with a good pre-game between the two blues......... ASA if two umpires make different calls on the same play..........the PU will have the final say-so..........
Also........the PU may rectify any situation that places either the offense or the defense at a disatvantage.......
Am also interested in seeing others' opinions on this situation...........
Hope this helps..........