Originally Posted by Bob M.
REPLY: Basically what I've seen is that throughout the NCAA and definitely in the NFL, they have gotten to a point where there is consistency in calling a false start based solely on the Team A player's action -- whether it is a lineman, back, WR. All are held to the same standards for pre-snap movement. There is no distinction made. It does appear that it is only in HS and below that we have this inconsistency on how the false start rules are applied.
Bob, I think the "inconsistency" is built into the rules. Linemen have restrictions that backs do not have. Since there are different rules on what A players may do based on their position, there will be different treatment. I don't think it's incosistancy so much as judgement. If a lineman lifts up, by rule it's a false start. If a back lifts up, it's a judgement call as to whether it's a false start or not.