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Old Wed Sep 05, 2007, 07:57am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by fitump56
Originally Posted by fitump56

E.g. East Cobb-Atlanta coach, high powered program, multi-million $$$ private fields, has his players running in the outfield warning track, between innings, during the inning when there is "Time". On dead balls. Then he has them run when they are on O. Then while the ball is live, he screams bloody murder when the opposing team runns from the dugout to the warmup pen, F1/F2..

Bold statement, Bigg, now justify the difference in calling his players for running the track in a dead ball, when there is a T-Out, and not calling down the opposing players who enter the field when the ball is live.
"It's part of baseball, while running in the outfield during a game is not. If you want to complain to the state I'll give you some extra time to do so." (and, no, I don't recommend those exact words).

I agree with Tim -- the coach needs to be dealt with and I can't believe "all" umpires let him get away with it.
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