After talking with an NFL official I know, we have switched to a flat coverage and really like it a lot. Here is what we do.
Free kick coverage: - Flat coverage -- R on the goal line, H and U at 15 yard line, 10 if good kicker. B and L move quickly to R’s 40 and wait for ball to come to you.
Ball in air – B and L watch outside 2 guys, H and U watch inside 3 on your side, R watch ball and catch. U and H must watch ball 1st to see depth and get to pylon if ball may get to GL on your side of field.
On and after the catch – L and B watch blocks on your side in front of the ball (the initial block on the front guys). You have the ball to the goal line on a long run.
U and H, split field with H having 2/3 and U 1/3, if ball is caught in your zone, you have it. If the ball is in the other official’s zone, you watch the 2 blockers on your side who are on the wedge. The R will have the 2 wedge blockers on balls side and we will share the one in the middle if there are 3 or 5.
- Focus on blocks below the waist, blocks in the back, and holds – remember no one can BBW on any kick