Steve - your rantings are ridiculous. You are presenting your opinions and memories as factual - which they are not. I am dealing with FACTS. My rulebook collection covers nearly 80% of the 75 year ASA rules history. In most cases I can go to the exact year and pinpoint the rule being discussed. I don't have to interpret it; just read it.
Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
So, after your historical review, you can determine that ASA had a similar rule
No, not
similar - ASA wrote
the rule. And it was in their books for 50 years - pitcher had to pitch to first batter faced.
that was discarded AT LEAST 22 years ago (you said somewhere about 1985),
NO - it was not discarded, it was changed. ASA decided that the pitcher no longer had to pitch to the first batter fast, so that changed the rule to the NO LONGER version. I said "about" 1985 because it is still the old way in the '84 book, and was changed (without notation) in the '88 book. So the change occurred in '85, '86 or '87. (I don't have those three books, but I am factually accurate in saying "about" '85. Could have easily said "about" '86)
Yet, NFHS had a requirement and/or a penalty up until 2002
They DID NOT! Can't you read? In '99, the year following the current ASA version the NFHS handled it differently by stating that the pitcher could be removed before pitching to the first batter. A positive statement, better worded than ASA's version.
just 5 years ago, but you find it inappropriate that someone lays the current alleged confusion on NFHS.
Uh, Steve, who is the confused one here? In 2002 NFHS dropped the restriction on the substitute pitcher and adopted the old ASA "NO LONGER" statement. Last year they dropped that statement because we don't need it anymore. If ASA would do the same thing, we could end this argument forever.
and the timeline you presented blows the credibility of your conclusions.
You have no clue! If you want to provide your email address I will scan the rules in both the ASA and NFHS book in each of the years that are in my time line and send them to you. Provide your street address and I will also provide the Salt & Pepper!
then work back to your supposed documentation.
Not supposed - real! Check with Dakota. He has a complete copy of the original ASA book that I scanned and sent to him. And I have 50+ more from the original to 2007.