Thread: Lightning delay
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Old Tue Sep 04, 2007, 10:15am
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by Suudy
I agree with NOAA, that the probability of being struck by lightning is extremely low, but not low enough for me to be confident standing on the field in a lightning storm. And also, with the possible electric field in and around the field, the ground currents, even if lightning struck a tower, could be dangerous.
But at least in the basement of a bldg., the ground currents problem would be the same as out in a field. If you can get off the ground floor, or into a vehicle with insulating tires (rubber), then you're safe from the ground currents from a nearby strike.

But with a ring of metal masts all pointing in the same direction, the potentials at the time of a strike on any of those masts will be such as to carry ground currents away from the ring, not thru the ring. The middle of that ring is the safest place to be.

Could it be better with wires overhead? Sure, then you'd really be in a cage. But most bldgs. don't really provide a Faraday cage. Fortunately for DC, it doesn't matter.

If you could see the height and spacing of those towers compared to the size of the field they surrounded, you'd agree.

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