Thread: Lightning delay
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Old Tue Sep 04, 2007, 10:04am
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by waltjp
Oh, you mean if they enclosed the road - sort of like a domed stadium?
No. I'm saying that the way those tall metal masts surrounded the field and stands (Mitchel Atheletic Complex, Nassau County NY) was as good as the way the metal pipes, etc. in a bldg. surround its occupants in terms of lightning protection. The roof on a bldg. adds nothing, because it's not conductive, and has no pipes or wires running thru it -- unless there's an antenna.

Well, unfortunately, the road wasn't enclosed and neither was your football field.
If the ratio of the height of the surrounding conductive structures to the width of the road was like the field at Mitchel, the road would've been as well protected as a bldg.

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