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Old Mon Sep 03, 2007, 11:36am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
The actual wording: The pitcher is not required to pitch until the first batter faced completes their time at bat or the side has been retired.

Stop and think about it. The key is "NOT REQUIRED TO". The rule does not state that the pitcher CANNOT pitch until the first batter completes their time at bat or the side has been retired.

The inning ends because the pitcher (whomever he, she or they may be) does pitch until the defense records three outs.
Yeah, like I said, Mike, I know what they were saying. But the first time I read this, I did have to re-read it to figure it out - since the obvious meaning of the sentence is not possible. It didn't make my head explode, though. I just had to read it again and think a minute about the context.

I do poke fun at it, though. 'Cause it is a goofy sentence.

If they must include a mention of the pitcher, maybe they could just simply say "There are no special rules regulating substituting for a pitcher."
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