Mon Sep 03, 2007, 11:32am
Keeper of the HAMMER
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: MST
Posts: 27,190
Originally Posted by just another ref
By definition, a dribble is when the ball is pushed to the floor. Therefore, in my judgment, if the first push to the floor is a dribble, not a drop, not a bounce pass, that is when the violation occurs, not on a second touch. What if the defender picks his pocket after the ball is first pushed to the floor, does this save a violation? I think not.
How do you know if it's a dribble? You don't know until it comes up. How many drop passes look like dribbles? How many passes turn into dribbles? Just wait the split second it takes for the ball to come back up and hit the bouncer's hand before calling the violation.
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