I was hesitant to reply to this situation until I was able to research my rulebooks.I do however disagree with the umpires that said they would invoke ASA rule 8-9-0.The best explanation of this rule was found in the NCAA Softball Rulebook.Under rule 3-5 it states,In order for the first baseman to be entitled to use a first baseman's mitt,she must be positioned on the right side of the infield at the time of the pitch.Here a definite area is defined.I am a strong believer in applying the spirit of the rules in my umpiring.In the situation in question,I have nothing,since the firstbaseman was shifted,but remained on the right side of the infield.My question to you guys(and gals),what advantage was gained by the firstbaseman fielding the ball with the mitt?As as former first baseman in high school and legion baseball,I would have much preferred to use a fielders glove for fielding a batted ball.The larger mitt is designed for receiving thrown balls that stray off target and for scooping throws in the dirt.There is no advantage on batted balls,particularly ground balls.In this case with the firstbaseman shifted and still on the right side of the diamond,I have nothing.Just my opinion on this rules application. Jeff